DEEP SPACE NINE: "Badda-bing... " - REV. 01/13/99 - TEASER 5. 7 CONTINUED: (2) FRANKIE I got news for you, pal. I just bought this hotel. You're history. VIC (taken aback) You can't fire me. I have a contract. FRANKIE And you can paper your walls with it. You're finished in this town, Vic. VIC You're blackballing me? FRANKIE As of this moment, you couldn't get a job as a singing busboy. (a beat) Now are you gonna walk out of here, or do you have to be carried out? Makes no difference to me. O'Brien's had enough of Frankie's attitude. O'BRIEN (to Vic) Let me handle this. (to Com) Computer. Delete characters Frankie Eyes and -- (to Cicci) I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name. CICCI Cicci. O'BRIEN (to Com) And Cicci from this holosuite program. O'Brien crosses his arms in satisfaction, expecting Frankie and Cicci to disappear any moment. But they don't.