DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inter Arma... " - REV. 01/08/99 - ACT FIVE 53. 44 CONTINUED: (4) NERAL (to Cretak) Why didn't you come to me with this information? CRETAK I... was afraid that if word of this... plot got out it would destroy the Alliance. So I decided to keep my own counsel. (beat) I regret that decision. Neral likes Cretak and his response is more in sorrow than in anger. NERAL As well you should, Kimara. There's a beat as the Committee murmurs amongst itself. Then Koval steps forward. KOVAL It's an interesting story. But it's not the whole story. if I may be permitted to bring in another witness... ? Neral nods, and Koval hits his combadge. KOVAL (to com) Bring in Prisoner Five-two-seven. 45 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) As Sloan is brought in by two more N.D. Romulans. His face is bruised with marks that probably came from the same devices Koval attempted to use on Bashir. For the first time, Sloan looks like a beaten man. He never lifts his eyes from the floor.