14:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inter Arma... " - REV. 01/08/99 - ACT FIVE 48. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 43 INT. ROMULAN INTERROGATION ROOM Later. Bashir is still in the chair, with several devices still attached to his head and he's sweating heavily. The Two N.D.s are monitoring the equipment on the cart. Koval is gone. Bashir looks exhausted beyond comprehension. After a beat, Koval ENTERS and sits down at the desk. An N.D. hands him a PADD and whispers something in his ear. Koval nods and waves the man away. He quickly scans the PADD and then regards Bashir thoughtfully. KOVAL It appears that your brain's neurocellular structure is not susceptible to our scanning techniques, evidently a result of the genetic enhancements made to your parietal cortex. BASHIR (bleary) Sorry. KOVAL I do have other methods at my disposal, but... it would save everyone a great deal of trouble if you would simply tell me what I want to know. BASHIR You... haven't asked me... any questions... KOVAL I think you know what I'm interested in.