17:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inter Arma... " - REV. 01/08/99 - ACT FOUR 42A. 35 CONTINUED: SLOAN Doctor. I know how much you love cloak and dagger, but you're starting to see conspiracies everywhere. Ross is ill, that's all there is to it. Bashir smiles sheepishly as if feeling ridiculous. BASHIR You're probably right. SLOAN Now what else is on your mind? BASHIR I'm not convinced that Koval actually has Tuvan Syndrome. His "symptoms" could be the result of any of fifty other health problems. SLOAN You didn't say that before. BASHIR I'm not an expert on Romulan physiology. Most of my knowledge regarding Tuvan Syndrome comes from studies done on Vulcan patients. SLOAN I thought Vulcans and Romulans were virtually identical. BASHIR Yes, but there are some important genetic differences. And the more I study the available data on Romulan physiology, the less sure I am that I've correctly diagnosed his condition. Sloan is bothered by that. SLOAN How could you find out for sure? BASHIR The best way would be to do an examination, but I doubt he's going to agree to that.