DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inter Arma... " - REV. 01/08/99 - ACT THREE 32A. 25 CONTINUED: (2) ROSS What? Bashir is putting it together. BASHIR I think Sloan has an accomplice somewhere on Romulus. ROSS What makes you say that? BASHIR Two things. First, Sloan has too much information on the inner workings of their government, too many insights into their political process. (beat) Second, Sloan's plan is to kill Koval while making it appear to be an accelerated case of Tuvan Syndrome. To do that, he'd have to expose Koval to a short burst of nadion radiation. The simplest plan would be to maneuver Koval near a phaser relay and surreptitiously irradiate him. (beat) Since I doubt very much that Sloan will have a chance to do that, it stands to reason that someone else will have to do it for him. ROSS A Romulan...