28:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inter Arma... " - REV. 01/08/99 - ACT THREE 26. 17 CONTINUED: (3) BASHIR In my case, you would get a firm, "no." But you've answered my question with a question. Beat. CRETAK I try not to predict the future. BASHIR What about Chairman Koval? CRETAK You tell me. You just spoke with him -- that's more than I've done in six months. BASHIR I take it you don't get along? CRETAK We have different views. BASHIR Which are... ? CRETAK (wry) State secrets. Bashir smiles. CUT TO: 18 INT. ROMULAN LECTURE HALL (OPTICAL) A short time later. N.D. Romulans and Federation personnel file into the room and take up seats. Bashir is going over his notes near a lectern set up in front of a wall monitor. There's one seat noticeably empty in the front row. When everyone is settled, Bashir steps up to the lectern. BASHIR Good afternoon. I'm Doctor Julian Bashir from Deep Space Nine and I'll be speaking to you on the subject of Dominion biogenic weapons.