DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inter Arma... " - REV. 01/08/99 - ACT TWO 17. 11 BASHIR AND SLOAN move off through the crowd to find a private corner. SLOAN (sotto) Try to play your cards a little closer to the vest, doctor. You're lucky they didn't see that look of shock on your face. BASHIR (sotto) If you've managed to attach yourself to the delegation, why do you need me? SLOAN All in due time. Now -- you have a lot of work do before we arrive at Romulus. There's a PADD in your quarters. Read it and I'll join you at twenty-two hundred. He slaps Bashir on the back and then heads off to speak with someone in the crowd. CUT TO: 11A INT. BELLEROPHON - BRIEFING ROOM (OPTICAL) Bashir and Ross are discussing Sloan.