36:[1,#b],47:[1,#b],141:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Chimera" - REV. 12/16/98 - ACT FOUR 39. 44 CONTINUED: KIRA I see you. ODO No. This is just a form I've borrowed. I could just as easily be someone else or something else. KIRA I know that. But... (taking his shoulders) ... this is what you've chosen to be. A man whose good and honorable. And who I fell in love with. (pained) Are you telling me that man never really existed? ODO (anguished) I don't know... He turns away, trying to sort out what he's feeling. ODO I care about you more than anyone I've ever known... these last few months have been the happiest of my life. (a difficult admission) But even so, a part of me wishes that Laas and I were out there right now -- searching for the others, existing as changelings. Because that's what I am. Not a humanoid, a changeling. He turns away from her, not knowing how to deal with the turmoil inside him. After a long moment... KIRA (softly) You're right. Maybe you should be out there... And with that, she turns and EXITS.