DEEP SPACE NINE: "Chimera" - REV. 12/16/98 - ACT FOUR 35. 41 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO It may not be a crime, but obviously it's not a good idea. Odo stares at Sisko in disbelief. All the things Laas has said to him about how humanoids hate changelings are echoing in his head. ODO You're going to allow the Klingons extradite him... knowing they won't give him a fair trial... SISKO It's not my decision. It's up to the magistrate. ODO But you'd just as soon be rid of him. You didn't want him on the station in the first place. I practically had to beg you to let him out of that holding cell. SISKO (sharp) That's enough, Constable. Odo stiffens, holds his tongue. SISKO Now. General Martok has expressed concerns about our security arrangements. ODO Meaning? SISKO He doesn't feel it's appropriate that you be in charge of the prisoner. Odo bristles at hearing this. ODO May I ask why?