99:[1,#b],126:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Chimera" - REV. 12/16/98 - ACT FOUR 34. 41 CONTINUED: Odo's heard enough -- it's clear to him what's really going on. ODO Since when do Klingons resort to legal quibbling? They get involved in fights all the time and never file charges. It isn't "honorable." Odo's right, but neither Sisko nor Worf seem too interested in questioning their motives. SISKO In this case, they're choosing to exercise their rights under the law. ODO Sir, they're only doing this because they distrust changelings. WORF He should not have provoked them. ODO Provoked them? They attacked Laas. SISKO (off a PADD) They're claiming that he "surrounded them menacingly." It takes Odo a moment to realize what they mean. ODO They felt menaced? By fog? But Sisko doesn't dismiss it that easily. SISKO They weren't the only ones. Twelve other people filed complaints. ODO Is it a crime to shape-shift on the Promenade?