DEEP SPACE NINE: "Chimera" - REV. 12/16/98 - ACT THREE 31. 34 CONTINUED: KLINGON Don't change form in my presence again. CHANGELING I change form where I please. The Klingon bristles, glaring at the Changeling. CHANGELING (to Odo) Look at him. Look at the hate in his eyes. ODO Laas. KLINGON Your hands are stained with the blood of Klingon warriors. CHANGELING (raising his hands palm up) But then, the stench would still be on them. KLINGON P'tak! The Klingon unsheathes the KNIFE hanging from his belt, brandishes it threateningly. The moment hangs in the air for a beat, then the Changeling holds up his hand and -- 34A A KNIFE MORPHS (OPTICAL) into his grip. CHANGELING Mine's bigger. KLINGON (defend yourself!) Ke'chaw! Odo lunges forward, disarming the Klingon.