84:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Chimera" - REV. 12/16/98 - ACT THREE 27. 26 CONTINUED: In truth, Odo didn't. CHANGELING I didn't think so. No matter. Once we're away from here, I'll teach you to become things you've never even dreamed of. He smiles, relishing the thought of the quest they're about to embark on. ODO I'm not leaving. I'm staying here. The Changeling can't believe Odo would make such a mistake. CHANGELING (anger flaring) Why? So you can keep pretending to be one of them? Odo doesn't rise to the bait, he's not going to defend his life here because he doesn't feel he has to. ODO I'm sorry if you're disappointed. The Changeling dismisses this with a wave of his hand. CHANGELING I'll survive. (beat) When I find some of the others, I'll send for you. (sure of it) You'll change your mind and join us. ODO It could be a long time before you find another Changeling. CHANGELING Is that supposed to discourage me? ODO All I'm saying is that you don't have to leave right away.