94:[1,#b],146:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Chimera" - REV. 12/16/98 - ACT THREE 26. 22 INT. HABITAT RING CORRIDOR as Odo approaches the door to his quarters. 23 INT. ODO'S QUARTERS (OPTICAL) as Odo ENTERS and stops short when he sees a FLAME burning in the center of the room, suspended about a few feet off the ground. ODO (instinctively) Computer, activate fire suppression sys-- He trails off when the FLAME FLICKERS brightly, almost as if in reaction to his words. Then it hits him -- fire doesn't float in the air, the flame is the Changeling. ODO Laas... ? 24 CLOSE - THE FLAME (PRACTICAL EFFECT) as it FLICKERS again in response. 25 ODO stares at it, takes a step closer. ODO I need to talk to you... We hear the SOUND of an off-screen morph, then cut to -- 26 THE CHANGELING (OPTICAL) as he just finishes MORPHING into humanoid form. He studies Odo for a beat with a knowing smile. CHANGELING You didn't realize it was me. Did you even know we could exist as fire?