DEEP SPACE NINE: "Chimera" - REV. 12/16/98 - ACT ONE 13. 11A CONTINUED: (2) For some reason Odo finds himself feeling defensive around this man, and his simple statement of fact feels to him like an accusation. ODO I've been busy. The Changeling notices a PICTURE of Kira sitting on Odo's computer console. CHANGELING Who's this? ODO Her name's Kira. The Changeling studies the picture for a beat without comment. CHANGELING I had a mate once. ODO (surprised) Oh? CHANGELING On Varala. Not long after I assumed humanoid form. ODO What happened? CHANGELING We couldn't have children. That was important to her. This is a touchy subject for Odo, something he's wondered about in his relationship with Kira. CHANGELING (with characteristic bluntness) Is it something that matters to this Kira? ODO We've never discussed it. CHANGELING Neither did we, at first. Without his meaning to, the Changeling's words twist Odo's heart.