88:[1,#b],127:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Chimera" - REV. 12/16/98 TEASER 2. 2 CONTINUED: ODO It's a present for Kira. O'Brien's features falter at hearing this. ODO (misunderstanding) You don't think she'll like it? O'BRIEN I'm sure she will. It's just... I didn't get anything for Keiko. ODO (trying to make him feel better) The conference kept you pretty busy... O'BRIEN (kicking himself) You made time to get something. O'Brien's eyes fall to a small wooden BOX sitting on the console next to Odo, labeled with alien lettering. O'BRIEN Not chocolates too? ODO Rigelian chocolates. Her favorite. O'Brien eyes them for a beat. O'BRIEN I'll buy them from you. ODO I beg your pardon? O'BRIEN I'll buy them from you. Come on, Odo, you don't need to give Kira two presents. We were only gone a day. ODO I'm sorry, but the answer's no. O'Brien is about to protest when a proximity ALARM SOUNDS and the ship goes to RED ALERT -- both men turn to their consoles to find out what it is.