DEEP SPACE NINE: "Field of Fire" - REV. 11/23/98 - ACT FOUR 44. 67 CONTINUED: EZRI D'za-oo bah-zheest... JORAN Don't back away now. Ezri steps in front of the mirror -- 68 ANGLE ON THE MIRROR (OPTICAL) to see Joran's image in the mirror in place of her own. EZRI Joran rhee jehr hey-dah... JORAN You won't catch the killer without me! Suddenly, we hear Odo's voice on the com line: ODO'S COM VOICE Odo to Lieutenant Dax. Report to the Habitat Ring Level H Forty- three. Ezri can hear the strain in Odo's voice; it can mean only one thing. EZRI On my way. As Joran smiles at the reprieve, Ezri sighs with resignation -- 69 INT. BROTT'S QUARTERS Sisko, Odo, O'Brien, Bashir, Ezri -- they're all here, including Joran. The group is looking over the body of another Starfleet officer. This time, however, the victim is a Bolian. ODO Petty officer Zim Brott. Bolian. Five years of service on Deep Space Nine. EZRI I knew him. Or at least Jadzia did. He has a wife and co-husband on Bolarus. Two children.