DEEP SPACE NINE: "Field of Fire" - REV. 11/23/98 - ACT FOUR 43. 66 INT. HABITAT RING CORRIDOR Ezri walks with new determination. Joran follows in her wake. JORAN That was close. Not that it matters, really. We'd have continued without Sisko's blessing. Ezri doesn't answer. JORAN Right? Still no answer. JORAN Are you listening to me? Ezri arrives at her quarters and steps inside. 67 INT. EZRI'S QUARTERS Ezri grabs a high-tech lighter, walks over to the altar that still sits in the center of the room, and lights the flame under the vat. JORAN (alarmed) What are you doing? EZRI What does it look like? Ezri closes her eyes and stands over the vat, breathing in the fumes. EZRI I'nora, ja'kala vok... JORAN You think you can get rid of me this easily? EZRI Zheem Dax... nah sass-eye-ahn... JORAN Don't you see, we've made Dax whole again.