14:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Field of Fire" - REV. 11/23/98 - ACT FOUR 41. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 5 INT. CAPTAIN'S OFFICE Sisko, holding the knife that Ezri almost stabbed the Starfleet officer with, stares at the counselor from behind his desk. Joran stands next to a somewhat shaken Ezri. SISKO (re: the knife) Mind explaining this? But Ezri knows there is no good explanation. SISKO If Odo hadn't stopped you, you would've stabbed Ensign Bertram. EZRI I was trying to stop him from getting away. He hit me, I reacted... I guess I overreacted. SISKO I'd say so. JORAN (to Ezri, re: Sisko) He could be a little more grateful, don't you think? EZRI (to Sisko) I'm sorry I let things get out of hand, but Bertram killed two people. SISKO Bertram didn't kill anyone. This comes as a shock to Ezri. EZRI Then why was the Security Team chasing him?