DEEP SPACE NINE: "Field of Fire" - REV. 11/23/98 - ACT THREE 32. 50 EZRI'S POV - ANOTHER SET OF QUARTERS (OPTICAL) Her sight settles on a STARFLEET OFFICER getting a drink from a Replicator. EZRI (O.S.) A male Starfleet officer... an engineer. About thirty-five. JORAN(O.S.) Good. We have a victim... he's in your sights... how do you feel? The truth now. EZRI (O.S.) Powerful... in control... JORAN (O.S.) That's good. That's what the killer's feeling. EZRI (O.S.) I'm not angry... or excited... JORAN (O.S.) You're calm. Relaxed. EZRI (O.S.) Detached. JORAN (O.S.) Now you're getting it -- you do your killing from a distance... you're cold... methodical... Maybe you're a doctor... or a scientist... EZRI (O.S.) Maybe. (a beat) But why kill like this? Why not choose a victim on the Promenade? Or in Quark's? JORAN (O.S.) If you want to know -- pull the trigger and find out.