DEEP SPACE NINE: "Field of Fire" - REV. 11/23/98 - ACT TWO 25. 39 CLOSE ON EZRI as she races over to the spiral staircase, quickly making it to the Upper Level. 40 INT. PROMENADE - SECOND LEVEL to see Ezri scanning the shadows for any movement. EZRI This isn't funny. Suddenly, a figure looms up directly behind her. Ezri whirls to face her assailant. Only then do we realize the figure is WORF. 41 WIDER as Ezri reacts with surprise. EZRI Worf! WORF It is late. You should be in your quarters. EZRI Were you following me? WORF It is dangerous to be wandering the Promenade alone. EZRI (surprised) You're worried about me? WORF (refusing to admit it) There is a killer on the station. You have no right to endanger yourself this way.