DEEP SPACE NINE: "Field of Fire" - REV. 11/23/98 - ACT TWO 24. 36 INT. EZRI'S QUARTERS - LIVING ROOM (VPB) Ezri is working at a monitor displaying the pictures and service records of Ilario and Vanderweg. As Ezri scrolls through the information, we can see how tired and frustrated she feels. EZRI (to herself) Nothing... no connection. Ezri sits back in her chair and stares at the two pictures. After a long beat, she sighs. There's nothing new to be gleaned here; she's at a dead end and she knows it. 37 INT. PROMENADE Late at night. The Promenade is empty except for MORN and a Dabo Girl, who walk to a turbolift, arm- in-arm. The doors close behind them. 38 NEW ANGLE to find Ezri, sitting at a table in the Replimat, brooding over some tea. Looking up, she realizes she's alone on the Promenade. Feeling suddenly vulnerable, she takes a last sip of tea, gets up from the table and begins walking down the hallway. After a few steps, WE HEAR footsteps on the walkway overhead, coming from the Quark's side. When Ezri stops, the footsteps seem to stop as well. A moment later, Ezri begins walking again -- this time at a slightly faster clip. The footsteps immediately start up again, keeping pace with her. Ezri then moves to the center of the Promenade trying to see up to the second level -- EZRI Who's there? Who is it? But there's no answer. After a moment, Ezri begins walking again, keeping an eye on the second level -- but it's too dark to see anything. Again, we hear the footsteps. EZRI Quark? Is that you? But there's still no answer.