DEEP SPACE NINE: "Field of Fire" - REV. 11/23/98 - TEASER 3. 1 CONTINUED: (2) O'BRIEN Sorry. BASHIR Impossible. O'BRIEN Out of the question. BASHIR Can't be done. Ilario looks a little disappointed. KIRA (to Ilario) Don't take it personally. (re: O'Brien and Bashir) They take their leisure activity very seriously. BASHIR It's a great stress reliever. O'BRIEN I recommend it highly. BASHIR Just not with us. O'BRIEN A holosuite visit is a very personal experience. BASHIR (confidentially, to Ilario, re: O'Brien) He's very particular about who sees him in a coonskin cap. You understand... ILARIO I suppose... Just then, QUARK approaches. QUARK (to O'Brien and Bashir) Gentlemen, your holosuite is ready.