DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Emperor's... " - REV. 11/23/98 - ACT FIVE 57. 76 INT. KLINGON HOLDING CELL As Garak flings Zek, Maihar'du and Rom off of him, he pins Quark to the bulkhead, still holding the hypo. GARAK You taught me something about sabotage... now I'm going to teach you something about pain. As Garak inches the hypo at Quark's neck, the Ferengi begins to SCREAM with fear. 77 CLOSER ON THE HYPO as it moves inexorably towards Quark. Suddenly, a woman's hand comes into frame, twists Garak's hand, and plunges the hypo into Garak's neck. 78 ON GARAK as his eyes widen. GARAK Ow. Garak turns to see his assailant, Ezri. Behind her, the Klingon guard lies dead on the ground. GARAK (through clenched teeth) That hurts... And with that, Garak's knees buckle, and he collapses. 79 ANGLE ON QUARK as he catches his breath. QUARK How much is this going to cost us? EZRI I'm not doing this for money.