DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Emperor's... " - REV. 11/23/98 - ACT TWO 18B. 24 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN (Cont'd) He's had a rough go of it lately. Lost a close friend in a skirmish with some Alliance troops. BASHIR (defensive) This isn't about Jadzia. Do you know what would happen to us if the Alliance got its hands on a cloaking device? O'BRIEN It wouldn't be pretty. BASHIR They could wipe us out in a matter of weeks! (looking at Ezri) Besides, there's nothing I loathe more than traitors. EZRI I'm not a traitor. O'BRIEN She's right. (to Ezri) You have to believe in something before you can betray it. And you don't believe in anything. EZRI I believe in getting paid for my work -- and you still owe me for the last job I did for you. O'BRIEN We're fighting for our freedom here... for our very lives. And all you care about is money? EZRI Like you said, you've got to believe in something. BASHIR Let me ram those words down her throat. Bashir looks ready to charge right through the forcefield to get at Ezri, but O'Brien restrains him.