DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Emperor's... " - REV. 11/23/98 - ACT ONE 11. 9 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO I agree. If we don't move soon, the ionic storms will isolate our positions. Sisko and Martok pass by Quark and Rom, still studiously examining the bulkhead. MARTOK And allow the Dominion to flank us. Suddenly, Sisko and Martok are struck by the same thought -- what are those Ferengis doing? SISKO Something wrong, gentlemen? QUARK (thinking fast) It's the bulkhead. MARTOK What about it? QUARK Rom's thinking about painting his quarters this color. SISKO They already are that color. QUARK (to Rom) I told you! ROM No wonder I like it. (to Sisko) It's a very soothing shade of gray. SISKO Glad you approve. And with that, Martok and Sisko make their way up the steps into the Airlock. 10 ANGLE ON QUARK AND ROM (OPTICAL) No sooner do Sisko and Martok EXIT, than Quark and Rom face each other in panic.