DEEP SPACE NINE: "Prodigal... " - REV. 11/05/98 - ACT FIVE 63. 32 CONTINUED: QUARK You're a member of the House of Martok, right? You don't want it to get out that you're refusing to honor the debts incurred by your own House, do you? Worf grabs the bill back in irritation and puts his thumbprint on it. QUARK Always a pleasure to do business with the House of Martok. 33 ANGLE ON Ezri, who's sitting alone at another table. O'Brien ENTERS from the Promenade and approaches her. O'BRIEN Mind if I join you? She shakes her head. O'BRIEN When'd you get back? EZRI Last night. (beat) Norvo was sentenced to thirty years. O'BRIEN I wish I could say I'm sorry. But considering what he did... he got off easy. EZRI I understand why you feel that way. (beat) But you didn't know him. He was very... gifted. When we were young... he had so much potential. Norvo was the one we all thought would turn out to be something... special. I don't know what happened. I don't know what turned my brother into... (can't say it)