13:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Prodigal... " - REV. 11/05/98 - ACT FIVE 54-54A. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 27 INT. TIGAN OFFICE - DAY A few moments later. O'Brien is pointing out information to Ezri on the computer screen. O'BRIEN There. Nine months ago, Morica Bilby shows up on the payroll as a "shipping consultant." EZRI (off screen) Five bars of latinum a week... "for services rendered." What services... ? She works for a beat. EZRI There's no cross-reference... no indication of what she was doing for the company... O'BRIEN Whatever it was, she must've been doing a good job -- look here. Her salary increases to ten bars a week... then to twenty... then thirty... EZRI The last payment entry is six weeks ago. O'BRIEN The day before she was killed. Ezri gets up from the desk and takes a few steps, trying to digest this information. O'BRIEN Who's in charge of the payroll? EZRI (grave) My mother... ultimately. But she's turned over most of the day to day operations to Janel... and Norvo's been doing the bookkeeping.