DEEP SPACE NINE: "Prodigal... " - REV. 11/05/98 - ACT THREE 43. 21A CONTINUED: (3) EZRI Norvo... what would happen if you left with me tomorrow? NORVO What do you mean? EZRI I mean, what would happen if you went back to Deep Space Nine with me? NORVO Mother would go insane. EZRI Forget about her for the moment. NORVO I can't just... pick up and leave. EZRI It doesn't have to be a permanent move. Think of it as a vacation... a break from all this. Some time to clear your head, that's all. Norvo is sorely tempted by what she's saying, but something is holding him back. NORVO I don't know if I can leave all this on Janel's shoulders... EZRI Janel can handle it. NORVO It's not that simple... there're some things going on that are... complicated. EZRI Like what? NORVO (evasive) Things... with the company...