179:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Prodigal... " - REV. 11/05/98 - ACT THREE 40A. 20 CONTINUED: (2) YANAS Thank you, Mister O'Brien. I'll see you at dinner. Yanas EXITS to her office. EZRI (to O'Brien) I'm sorry about this. Our mother is a force of nature. O'BRIEN It's all right. It'll do me good to get my hands on a problem I can solve for a change. (to Janel) Lead on. Janel leads O'Brien toward the mine entrance. Ezri sits there alone for a beat, then looks up at the obvious blank spot where Norvo's painting once hung. CUT TO: 21 OMITTED 21A INT. NORVO'S BEDROOM Norvo is passed out on his bed as Ezri ENTERS. He rouses himself as Ezri sits down on the edge of his bed. The artwork on his walls has been taken down and is lying in a heap in a corner of the room -- some of the paintings have been slashed and others have obviously broken frames. The now-empty bottle of saurian brandy is overturned on his desk. NORVO Good morning. EZRI Good afternoon. NORVO Oh. He sits up and tries to clear the cobwebs from his brain.