131:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Prodigal... " - REV. 11/05/98 - ACT TWO 31. 17 CONTINUED: YANAS Well, maybe you should. You'll find him lying in bed with a hangover. When I woke up this morning he was passed out in the entry room. Evidently he spent most of the night doing this... Yanas reaches behind the desk and pulls out the painting seen earlier hanging in the living room. Someone has painted a large cartoonish smiley face right in the center of the artwork. Ezri smiles a little at the sight. YANAS You think it's funny? EZRI I think it's funny that you think he did this because of me. He's not happy here, can't you see that? YANAS That's nonsense. EZRI Mother, he's defacing his own artwork -- work that you insisted on displaying after he objected. YANAS I'm proud of him... I'm trying to encourage him. EZRI But all you've done is make him feel trapped and powerless. YANAS You've barely spent one night in this house and you think you can analyze our entire family. You don't know your brother anymore, Ezri. Norvo is a fragile young man who needs to be cared for. EZRI He's a grown man who needs his freedom. You're smothering him.