DEEP SPACE NINE: "Prodigal... " - REV. 11/05/98 - ACT ONE 16-17. 10 CONTINUED: (2) There's the sound of a DOOR OPENING from O.S. and they turn to see Ezri's older brother, JANEL, ENTER. He's bigger and more imposing than Norvo -- a man who's spent most of his life in the difficult and unforgiving mining business. Janel is more closed than Norvo, and there's a hint of restrained anger just below the surface. He's wearing filthy overalls, a mining helmet, and there's a fair amount of dirt and grime covering his hands and face as well. He also regards Ezri with affection, but it's tinged with the condescending attitude of an older brother who's always seen his siblings as less capable than he. JANEL Welcome home, little girl. EZRI Hi, Janel. For her part, Ezri has always looked up to Janel, but there's no denying that she's much closer to Norvo. JANEL Do I have to take a sonic shower before I get a hug? She gives him a look, then hugs him. EZRI It's good to see you. JANEL You too. He ruffles her hair. JANEL (re: hair) What happened here? NORVO She cut it. I think it brings out her eyes... gives her more of a classic look. JANEL (whatever) It's cute.