91:[1,#b],136:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Prodigal... " - REV. 11/05/98 - TEASER 9. 6 CONTINUED: YANAS We've been worried about you. EZRI I'm all right. Really. And I'm a lot more sure of who I am than the last time you saw me. YANAS Well, that's a relief. (wry smile) I'd hate to have to start calling you Curzon. Ezri smiles a little, but she's clearly uncomfortable. EZRI I... I've been promoted. YANAS Oh? EZRI Lieutenant junior grade Ezri Dax at your service. The name causes Yanas to stiffen slightly. YANAS Ezri... Dax. EZRI (awkward) The symbiont name always replaces the family name of the... new host. It's traditional. Yanas only lets the disappointment show for a second, then she puts on a pleasant expression again. YANAS Of course it is. I haven't been away from Trill that long. (cheerfully) The important thing is you're doing well. Ezri decides to come to the point of her call.