DEEP SPACE NINE: "It's Only... " - REV. 10/26/98 - ACT ONE 15. 28 CONTINUED: VIC Hi there, pallie. Vic Fontaine. They shake hands. NOG I know. I'm Nog. VIC You're Rom's kid, right? NOG Right. VIC He's really proud of you -- he's always in here bragging about his son, the soldier boy. NOG (awkward) Yeah. VIC What can I do for you? NOG I want to hear, "I'll Be Seeing You." VIC Sure thing, kiddo. Any other requests? NOG No. Just "I'll Be Seeing You." VIC Sounds like it's a special tune. NOG It is. It helped me out once when I was... unhappy. VIC What more can you ask from a song? Nog grabs a chair and Vic heads for the stage. PUSH IN on Nog, who closes his eyes.