95:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Covenant" - REV. 10/14/98 - ACT FIVE 51. 67E NEW ANGLE revealing Kira on the UPPER LEVEL surreptitiously watching. DUKAT Kosst no'valt Amojan, my children. ALL Kosst no'valt Amojan. 68 thru OMITTED 69 70 KIRA realizing she has to do something -- anything -- to stop Dukat. 71 DUKAT raises his hand into the air, holding the capsule up for all to see. DUKAT Don't be afraid... I love you all... 72 THE CROWD follows suit, the moment of truth is at hand. Suddenly Kira's VOICE shatters the moment -- KIRA Dukat. Dukat looks up to see --