141:[4,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Covenant" - REV. 10/14/98 - ACT FOUR 47. 58D CONTINUED: DUKAT'S VOICE And deliver ourselves into the waiting arms of the Pah- wraiths... 58E INT. EMPOK NOR - TEMPLE People are choked with emotion; many are crying, but their tears are tears of joy. 58F DUKAT smiles upon them, his features peaceful. Fala steps forward and begins a CHANT of thanks and praise. FALA Ka'li bor'ek, no'ma ten'su, fah- jah nori bentu'sa. The crowd falls in with him -- ALL Ka'li bor'ek, no'ma ten'su, fah- jah nori bentu'sa. 58G INT. EMPOK NOR - KIRA'S QUARTERS as she slams her hand against the closed door in frustration. She listens to the CHANT, knowing full well what it means -- they're all willing to kill themselves as Dukat has asked. Off this disturbing moment, we... 59 OMITTED FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR