92:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Covenant" - REV. 10/14/98 - ACT FOUR 44. 55 EXT. SPACE - EMPOK NOR (STOCK-OPTICAL) Re-establishing. 56 INT. EMPOK NOR - DUKAT'S QUARTERS It's dark, and we find an anguished Dukat kneeling in front of the small Shrine in his quarters. DUKAT I failed you. Forgive my weakness. Forgive me for letting temptation obscure the path you've laid out for me. (desperate) When Mika awakes -- and I pray she does -- your children will learn the truth. (pained) They'll turn away from me... they'll turn away from you. The Covenant will be broken. Don't let that happen. Tell me what to do. Please. Dukat bows his head and sobs quietly. Off this moment...