DEEP SPACE NINE: "Covenant" - REV. 10/14/98 - ACT THREE 32. 26 THE CHILD which we now REVEAL to be half-Bajoran, half-Cardassian. 27 MIKA as she tears her eyes away from her husband's stricken features and looks over to -- 28 DUKAT wasn't expecting this, but he's not completely surprised either. He gives Mika a look that says keep-your-mouth-shut, then steps forward and takes the child in his arms. DUKAT (with wonder) The Pah-wraiths... they've sent us a sign... He moves to the door of the Infirmary, holds the child up for the crowd in the Promenade to see. A collective gasp of confusion comes up from the assembled group. 29 KIRA as she reacts, realizing immediately that Dukat is still up to his old ways, taking young Bajoran women to his bed. DUKAT My children, something wondrous has happened. This infant -- born of the love between Benyan and Mika -- was transformed in her womb into a living symbol of the Covenant I've made with you. (through tears of joy) What a blessed day this is -- there can no longer be any doubt that the Pah-wraiths are smiling upon us. The confused looks of the crowd give way to awed expressions of devotion. DUKAT Let us give thanks and praise.