132:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Covenant" - REV. 10/14/98 - ACT TWO 22-23. 13 KIRA As the chant continues, she notices the man she saw welding on the Promenade, standing a few rows up from her, his eyes closed in rapt attention as he chants. Her eyes fall to -- 14 THE PHASER hanging from his belt with his goggles. 15 KIRA glances at Fala, who like the others is absorbed in prayer, and decides to make her move. In a quick motion, she steps forward, jostling past a few people, and snatches the weapon. The man reacts, takes a step toward her, but Kira trains the weapon on him. KIRA Don't. She swings the weapon around in a threatening arc, and people in the vicinity move away to give her room. KIRA Dukat. The chanting stops as everyone in the crowd senses something's wrong.