42:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Covenant" - REV. 10/14/98 - ACT TWO 20. 11 CONTINUED: (3) FALA (proudly) Mika and her husband have the honor of being the first to receive the Master's blessing to bear children. KIRA (taken aback) You need Dukat's permission to have a baby? FALA (nods) Vows of abstinence are part of our Covenant with him. Exceptions are granted only when he sees that a wife and her husband have demonstrated a true spiritual bond. Kira can't believe the extent of the control Dukat has over their lives -- KIRA I see... FALA You don't approve. (off her look) In ancient times, Bajorans understood the value of denying worldly pleasures. (smiles) Ironic, isn't it, that a Cardassian would lead us back to the old ways? KIRA Especially a Cardassian who's appetite for worldly pleasures is legendary. FALA That was a long time ago, before he felt the kiss of the Pah-wraith. KIRA Must've been some kiss. And off this moment...