DEEP SPACE NINE: "Siege of AR-558" - REV. 10/13/98 - ACT FOUR 41. 68 CONTINUED: SISKO We will -- as soon as we can. QUARK (with growing anxiety) That's not good enough! SISKO I'm sorry, Quark. Quark's frustration is near the boiling point. QUARK Sorry? If you really cared about Nog you never would've sent him out on that patrol. SISKO (hard) Listen to me, Quark, because I'm only going to say this once... I care about Nog and every other soldier under my command. Understood? Every damn one of them. And with that, Sisko EXITS into the makeshift Infirmary. 69 INT. BASE CAMP - MAKESHIFT INFIRMARY - NIGHT CLOSE ON Nog, lying on a table. Though he's covered by a sheet, it should be clear his left leg has been amputated. Nog is awake, and though not feeling any pain (thanks to twenty-fourth century medicine), he's somewhat groggy. A solemn Sisko ENTERS and approaches the bed. NOG Captain... Nog instinctively tries to sit up, but Sisko puts out a restraining hand. SISKO (gently) At ease, ensign. Nog lies back down on the bed.