DEEP SPACE NINE: "Siege of AR-558" - REV. 10/13/98 - ACT THREE 38. 64 ANOTHER ANGLE as Reese, carrying Nog over his back, comes running toward the compound. REESE Don't shoot. It's me -- Reese! 65 CLOSE ON SISKO AND QUARK who along with Vargas and several other crewmen rush up to meet them. SISKO Stretcher! QUARK Nog! What happened? REESE (to Sisko) Jem'Hadar patrol. The soldiers take Nog off Reese's shoulders to do as Sisko ordered. 66 NEW ANGLE on Reese as he catches his breath. SISKO Larkin? REESE Dead. (a beat) Ferengi found the encampment. It's three kilometers south of here. SISKO How many troops? REESE Two columns. VARGAS Two columns? How're we going to hold off two columns? SISKO We'll have to even out the odds...