DEEP SPACE NINE: "Siege of AR-558" - REV. 10/13/98 - ACT ONE 19. 23 CONTINUED: (2) Sisko and Larkin lock eyes for a beat, but suddenly the moment is broken by -- WORF'S COM VOICE Defiant to Captain Sisko. Sisko taps his combadge. SISKO Go ahead. CUT TO: 24 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE to see Worf and the Bridge Crew, including O'Brien, buffeted about as the Defiant is hit by phaser fire. WORF Sir -- we're being attacked by two Jem'Hadar ships. We've locked onto your coordinates. Are you ready for transport? INTERCUT WITH: 25 EXT. BASE CAMP - NIGHT As before. All eyes are on Sisko. He seems to be weighing his options. SISKO (to com) Stand by, Worf. 26 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE as the ship continues to take HITS. O'BRIEN (to com) Captain, sensors show Jem'Hadar troops landing nine kilometers from your position.