DEEP SPACE NINE: "Siege of AR-558" - REV. 10/13/98 - ACT ONE 18. 23 CONTINUED: NOG I saw it happen... he was just walking along and the next minute... Sisko is perplexed by something. SISKO You must've swept the compound for anti-personnel mines... LARKIN A hundred times. It doesn't help -- not with Houdinis. Bashir rises. There's nothing he can do for the soldier. BASHIR "Houdinis?" REESE Find one and you disappear. LARKIN They "hide" in subspace and appear at random. VARGAS You can walk past the same spot a hundred times and nothing happens. And then... bang. REESE (at Sisko) You're wasting your breath, Vargas. It's not the captain's problem. He's leaving. And with that, Reese turns his back on Sisko and walks back to his position on the barricade. Sisko can't help wishing there was more he could do for these people. SISKO (to Larkin) I wish I could tell you that things are going to get easier for you... LARKIN Don't worry about us, captain.