DEEP SPACE NINE: "Siege of AR-558" - REV. 10/13/98 - ACT ONE 17. 21 CONTINUED: BASHIR Captain, can I have a minute? Bashir gestures for Sisko to join him a few feet away from Larkin so that they can talk privately. SISKO Go ahead. BASHIR These people... their physical and mental health are precarious at best. They need more than a few food replicators and some medical supplies... they need to be shipped out of here. SISKO I understand, but right now there's nothing I can do about it. But before Bashir can reply, we hear a loud EXPLOSION close by the bunker. LARKIN Damn it -- Larkin moves out of the bunker, Sisko and Bashir follow. 22 EXT. BASE CAMP - CONTINUOUS Sisko, Bashir and Larkin come upon a group of soldiers standing around a dead body we can't see. 23 NEW ANGLE as Sisko and the others make their way through the crowd, which includes Reese, Vargas and Nog, to get to the fallen soldier. Bashir bends down out of camera range to check the body.