DEEP SPACE NINE: "Siege of AR-558" - REV. 10/13/98 - ACT ONE 11B. 13C CONTINUED: (2) LARKIN Vargas can show you. VARGAS (tightly wound) Supplies -- that's just great. Don't they know we need to get off this rock? REESE, a stone-faced veteran, wearing a necklace of Jem'Hadar white tubes, stands near Larkin. REESE Take it easy, Vargas. VARGAS Take it easy? I'd love to take it easy. Just get me out of this vole-hole and I promise all I'll do, for the rest of my life, is take it easy! According to Starfleet regulations we're suppose to be rotated off the front lines after ninety days -- ninety days. We've been stuck here for five months! A long uncomfortable beat; there's a simple, painful truth to what Vargas's saying. These people have clearly been under tremendous strain. LARKIN (to Sisko) Welcome to paradise, captain. And off Sisko evaluating the situation -- 14 INT. BASE CAMP - 2ND LEVEL/COMMAND BUNKER - NIGHT Sisko and Larkin are looking down at a large Dominion communications array which is being worked on by a half-dozen Starfleet technicians. Among them is KELLIN, a young, brash engineer. (Note: all the engineers wear hand phasers.) Ezri is also amidst the engineers, watching them work. LARKIN There it is... the only reason anyone gives a damn about this place. It's the largest Dominion communications array in the sector.