DEEP SPACE NINE: "Siege of AR-558" - REV. 10/13/98 - TEASER 6A. 8 ANGLE ON THE VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) where the image of a Jem'Hadar fighter EXPLODES in a giant fireball. 9 WIDER on the crew, which includes Sisko, standing near NOG at the helm. O'BRIEN and Ezri are at the side consoles. The Bridge crew breaks out into triumphant smiles. Worf immediately sits at his console. SISKO Mister O'Brien -- keep an eye out for more Jem'Hadar ships. O'BRIEN Aye, sir. Not wanting to be sent back to the mess hall, Quark wanders over to Nog. But Nog is uncomfortable having his uncle looming over him. NOG What are you doing here, uncle? QUARK I... ah... just visiting. NOG (embarrassed) I'm working. SISKO Quark, is there something we can do for you? QUARK Not really. (all innocent) I just came by to say hello to my nephew. SISKO (firm) All right, you've just said hello...