DEEP SPACE NINE: "Once More... " - REV. 10/01/98 - ACT FIVE 56. 49 CONTINUED: KOLANA The Ning'tao has dropped out of warp. She's engaging the enemy... MARTOK (quiet) Die well, Worf. WORF Today... was not my day to die. Martok turns in surprise. MARTOK Worf! Martok's pleasure turns to shock as he realizes what this means. MARTOK But then who... ? Kor! WORF (nods) He surprised me outside the transporter room with a hypospray. MARTOK I hope that old fool understands what he's doing. (to Kolana) How goes the battle? KOLANA We're approaching the limit of our sensor range... but it appears that the enemy formation has collapsed... the Ning'tao is maneuvering rapidly... she's taking heavy fire from the Jem'Hadar... (reacts) I've lost contact. Beat. MARTOK One ship against ten... it doesn't seem possible.