29:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Once More... " - REV. 10/01/98 - ACT FIVE 53. 45 CONTINUED: KOR Is there a point to this nostalgic indulgence? DAROK Only that they are children. Even Martok -- who, for all his flaws, is a great warrior -- even Martok is but a child compared to you or me. They are quick to judge and slow to forgive. They still have much to learn. (beat) We are being pursued by a Jem'Hadar fleet. Worf believes that he can stop them with a single ship. Kor sits up. KOR How? Darok hands him the PADD. DAROK It's a good plan. But it has one flaw. It depends entirely on Worf successfully engaging the entire enemy fleet, if only for a short time. As Kor reads the PADD, he gets a gleam in his eye. KOR It can be done... the key is to confuse their sensors in the opening moments with a spread of torpedoes... DAROK Perhaps. But, it would take a man with three times his experience to accomplish such a feat. Darok leans forward, fastens Kor with a direct and searching look.