DEEP SPACE NINE: "Once More... " - REV. 10/01/98 - ACT FIVE 51. 44 CONTINUED: (3) Martok knows he's right, but hates this option because it means Worf's certain death. As a Klingon, Martok can't simply admit his true feelings out loud -- he struggles for an excuse. MARTOK (sotto) But Worf, this means... that you... you would be sacrificing... (can't say it, has to say something else) ... the entire crew of the Ning'tao. WORF (sotto) I have thought of that. We can beam most of the crew off before I take command. I will need only a half-dozen volunteers. Martok searches his eyes for a moment... struggles with it... then realizes that there's really no other choice. He sits down heavily in his chair.