122:[4,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Once More... " - REV. 10/01/98 - ACT FOUR 48. 41 CONTINUED: (2) Worf and Martok head for the Bridge. 42 INT. KLINGON BRIDGE Kolana and Synon are on duty when Martok and Worf ENTER. MARTOK Where are they? KOLANA The warp signatures are bearing directly astern. (beat) They're Jem'Hadar fighters... and they appear to be pursuing us. MARTOK How can that be? Worf works a console. WORF (off monitor) Their lead ship is using some kind of long-range tachyon scanner to penetrate our cloaks. SYNON (shocked) Does the Dominion possess such a device? MARTOK (grim) They do now. WORF How many ships? KOLANA I've identified... ten vessels so far... and sir, they're gaining on us. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR